Data acquisition and modeling
Data acquisition and modeling
Our expertise in acquisition and modeling of physicochemical properties.

In brief
Physicochemical properties are fundamental for designing, developing and optimizing industrial processes, in particular to:
- choose the unit operations or technologies;
- size the equipment and develop operating condition.
Using the available data or measurements performed at our laboratory, Processium develops robust models and sets them up in the simulation tools.
Our edge
To carry out your projects, Processium relies on:
- Its staff, made up of experts in thermodynamics and reaction kinetics, process engineers and specialized technicians. Processium has know-how and experience in modeling a large number of physicochemical properties.
- Its laboratories, to acquire the necessary properties.
- Its databases and digital tools, to research existing properties, predict them and model them.
Highly reliable physicochemical properties help to ensure proper process design and sizing.
Physicochemical properties
Types of properties
- Thermodynamic – physical variables regarding phase equilibria;
- Reaction kinetics;
- Other physical properties – calorimetric and transport variables, etc.
A few examples
- Vapor pressure;
- Phase equilibria (LLE, VLE, etc.);
- Solubility;
- Partition coefficient;
- Enthalpy of reaction;
- Granulometry;
- Heat capacity;
- Viscosity;
- And more.
1. Data assessment
The first step involves:
- Searching for and bringing together existing data in the literature;
- Assessing their reliability;
- Deciding upon the feasibility of developing a robust, reliable model based on these data.
2. Data acquisition
If some data is missing or is insufficiently reliable, we can acquire additional data at our laboratories. Discover the list of our measurement equipment.
Prediction – In some cases, it is relevant to predict properties, whether they are pure substances or mixtures. Our engineers select the best-suited prediction methods based on the nature of the compounds involved.
Model development – The data are then modeled by our engineers. To do this, we use both in-house and third-party tools such as:
- Aspen Properties;
- Prosim (Simulis Thermodynamics);
- REX.
The models are then set up in the simulation tools to give a reliable representation of the future industrial unit.
1. Capitalize your data
Store all your physical and chemical properties in your highly-secured private databank whose servers are located in France.
2. Make the most of data
Visualize and compare the moste relevant, traceable and reliable data. This user-friendly tool allows you to select the recommended data and to export them to Excel or to the Aspen Plus process simulation tool.
3. Easy access to data
Find more than 12,000 properties on pure bodies and 21,000 data sets on mixtures. With this collaborative tool, work in project mode and share the data of your choice with your team members.
Discover our solution and request a demo now on!